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Google Ads - Facebook Ads

There is not a lot more to say about Google Ads and Facebook Ads except that you can spend a ton of Money on digital marketing advertising with any of the many marketing agencies out there, if you want to. Does digital marketing involving Google Ads and/or Facebook Ads bring customers to your site? Sure, they do, when they are done right! Google Ads are one SURE (as sure can get) way to get your business listed at the top of the Google search results pages but, it can get very expensive depending on which "keywords" you are trying to rank for. 

Facebook Ads help to bring you popularity and notoriety as well as bring people to your site because, people usually trust their friends' opinions. Well... most of the time! But oftentimes digital marketing Gurus such as GMH Consultants, LP can move your business website onto the first page of Google search results long before the big bucks are spent. 

​As a digital marketing agency and company with high moral principles, we work diligently and try hard to save you MONEY! But, when it makes sense, digital marketing ads is a good tool to use to BOOST your business's search results on the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Cost per Click (CPC), in terms of dollars, can be very small or very large. It is all about Keywords in search engine jargon. Facebook Ads and Google Ads can cost the advertiser as little as a few cents per click to tens of dollars per click, maybe more. The high cost per click keywords are most often the best and most difficult keywords to obtain rank for on any Website.

Picture of a Google Ad
Picture of a Google Ad
Picture of a Facebook Ad
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