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Business Consulting and Digital Marketing Service

Work Locations across the USA

GMH Consultants, LP is working all across the United States helping small businesses achieve their goals and increase their profits through work process development, personnel training, leadership coaching and digital marketing management consulting.

Registering your business or company name, address, and phone number along with your company website with multiple business listing or directory services helps get your company noticed more on an otherwise very crowded internet of things. These listings are a form of digital marketing for your company and help the search engines find your website and company offerings. The more the search engines see your website listed across the internet, the better your website looks to them and as a result, the search engines will give your website higher placement in their search results pages.

Smart people say that if your website does not appear on the first page of the search results (first 10 listings), you will not get any traffic or clicks to your website. If you do not get any clicks, you have absolutely NO CHANCE of getting your company and its offerings noticed on the internet, other than people typing in your exact web address or your exact company name. The latter is the only way you will get traffic to your website. Keyword searches for products or services is the main way people find what they are looking for on the Internet.

That said, your website must include those specific keywords within its content somewhere on your pages. If not, you will never be seen or will highly likely only be seen on the last page or two of the search results. That is in 80th to 100th place in the results, AT BEST! So, it is key to identify the right keywords for your business and use them in your page content and use them properly. The more people or businesses that use a particular keyword, the more difficult to compete with getting your pages listed high on the search engine results pages. Just a fact of life!

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